About us


OFAC granted ETA a license in 2000. Since that time we have developed programs for several universities including Bentley University, Boson University, and the Pace University Law School. In addition, we have worked with a broad range of organizations including Mass Humanities, Oxfam, the Nieman Foundation of Harvard University, Joyce Theater Foundation, and Eastern Massachusetts Senior Softball Association.

ETA was called upon by the US State Department to make arrangements in Cuba for Presidential Envoy’s including NBA Legend Shaquille O’Neil and ABT Prima Ballerina Misty Copeland. Other distinguished organizations ETA has worked with include the National Basketball Association (NBA), Major League Baseball (MLB), and ESPN’s award winning TV program “30 for 30″.

ETA provides Management Consulting services for all the organizations it works with to arrange programs in Cuba which comply with relevant OFAC regulations.

Complete information about the regulations which govern travel to Cuba is given on the OFAC Website.

We maintain close working relationships in Cuba with many fine non-governmental institutions including the Ludwig Foundation for the Arts, the independent Cuban Dance Company, Malpaso, the National Chorus of Cuba, the Patronato Synagogue and Caritas Cubanas.

Our groups are regularly briefed by Senior Officials from the US Interest Section in Havana. Lectures and superior guides make sure that each trip offers a genuine learning experience. Meetings with artists, academics, and authors add depth that make each traveler’s experience richer and more personal.

Travel legally to Cuba
Important information

We have been working with diligence to make sure that we offer travel opportunities to Cuba that comply with the new OFAC travel regulations. We have reviewed the regulations carefully, and have discussed them with officials of the US State Department.
Faculty led programs, Religious Programs, and Public Performance programs such as Friendship Sports Tournaments are allowed to continue without changes.
Other programs may continue, but with a change in focus to comply with the OFAC Regulation “In Support of the Cuban People.”
Cruises are no longer permitted under any condition.
Overall land itineraries will not change as hotels are permitted as long as they do not appear on the OFAC restricted list.
Many activities are allowed under with the “Support of the Cuban People” regulations including dining in private restaurants, attending rehearsals with private dance and musical companies, and visiting artists studios, houses of worship, and private cultural centers.
Shopping is limited to places run by private entrepreneurs and craftsmen.
Visits to Governmental places such as the Capitol Building and the Museum of the Revolution do not appear to comply with the new rules.
Cuban society is undergoing a major if slow moving transition as the government de-centralizes control and opens up to free enterprise. US policy encourages this transition in that it offers new independence to the Cuban People.
Travelers can count on being made to feel extremely welcome in Cuba, and while Cubans do not favor restrictions imposed by US policy to Cuba, they are continuing to be very happy to receive visitors from our country and to extend the hand of friendship.
Travelers will playing a small but important part during this transitional period. All will have an experience which is both eye-opening and enjoyable.


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